Carbon Management: Sustainable use of carbon

The current economy produces products that are mainly incinerated after use. Hereby, CO2 is formed, which is normally emitted. A climate-neutral economy requires a fundamental rethink: We need to recycle carbon, use it sustainably and develop alternative sources. This is the only way to meet the necessary carbon demands for existing and future value chains.

Fraunhofer UMSICHT develops the appropriate technologies and processes. We ensure that carbon is recycled and refined into chemicals and materials. Along the entire carbon management value chain, our scientists bring their expertise into the sectors chemistry, energy, production, and plant engineering. Even where CO2 will continue to be formed – for example in the cement and lime industry and in waste incineration – we develop tailor-made solutions to enable defossilized closed-loops.

Which questions we support you with

Technology and material development for the carbon cycle

Our solutions

  • CO2 separation, CO2 storage and gas purification
  • Processes for the production of chemicals, fuels and materials from CO2, CO and H2
  • Catalyst development, testing and upscaling
  • CO2 electrolysis
  • Pyrolysis and carbonization of carbonaceous residues
  • Modelling, simulation and optimization of Power-to-X and CCU processes

Our topics

Binding CO2 in building materials

With our help, you can achieve negative CO2 emissions: We are working on processes and products to bind CO2 in building materials.

Biofuels from waste biomass

A standard-compliant diesel or petrol biofuel is produced from biogenous residues such as sewage sludge using the patented TCR® process.


The joint project is dedicated to the development of building blocks for the carbon cycle: process gases from industry – e.g. steel mill gases from steel production – are being tapped as a source of carbon for the chemical industry.

Carbonization and biochar

We develop plants and processes for the carbonization of biomass and biogenous residues.

Carbon Utilization

We develop processes for converting carbon dioxide as a potential additional carbon source into high-quality products. The focus: the use of compressed CO2.

Catalysts for industrial use

We support research institutions and companies in testing and screening catalysts. We also focus on the preparation and development of catalysts.

Direct resistance heating of chemical reactors

From catalyst development to process demonstration: our solutions and services.

High-pressure technology

Compressed carbon dioxide is a sustainable alternative to conventional solvents. We use CO2 as a process medium – e.g. for the functionalization of components.


The use of compressed carbon dioxide (CO2 ) for impregnation offers a sustainable alternative to conventional environmentally harmful solvents.

Life Cycle Assessment

We carry out environmental auditing and critical reviews in accordance with ISO 14040/44 for products and services. We use the results to provide a strategic decision-making basis for sustainable action.

Sustainable methanol production and use

We develop processes and technologies for CO2 -based methanol production and utilization in downstream methanol chemistry.

TCR® technology

TCR® technology can be used to convert a wide range of biogenic residual and waste materials into storable energy sources.

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